Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How Awareness Is Crucial For L2 Development During Second...

Introduction Understanding if the role of awareness is crucial for L2 development in second language or foreign language acquisition research has been a highly debated topic. While there are many researchers who claim that awareness is not necessary for L2 uptake, a majority of research shows a positive trend that awareness plays a huge role in SL and FL uptake (Leow, 2000). According to Leow’s (2000) research, awareness is a necessary tool for L2 data to be taken in and processed, and that no learning would happen without awareness. In a previous study conducted by Leow, he determined that awareness can be categorized based on three characteristics: cognitive change, meta-awareness, and morphological rule formation (Leow, 2002). There†¦show more content†¦A fundamental concept behind language learning is through the understanding of Long’s Interaction hypothesis, which proposes that second language learning is aided by interactional processes because of the ro le of interaction in connecting â€Å"input, internal learner capacities, particularly selective attention, and output in productive ways† (Mackey, 2006). Feedback and interaction help result in modified output which is also helpful in language learning. Different varieties of interactions in SL/FL classroom settings are facilitated through form-focused instruction (Mackey, 2006). The feedback received from focusing on form is in response to learner errors during meaning focused communication (Mackey, 2006). Recasts and negotiation are used as forms when learners have comprehension or production errors. By narrowing the focus of language learning to certain problem areas, language learners will be prompted to pay more attention to linguistic forms (Mackey, 2006). When examining the research behind the cognitive processes in second language learning, attention and awareness are two key processes that aid in L2 development through interaction- as mentioned previously. â€Å" Attention allows learners to notice a gap between what they produce or know and what is produced by the speakers of the L2, and the perception of the gap or mismatch can lead to grammar restructuring† (Mackey, 2006). In order for attention and awareness to

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